Monday, July 7, 2014

Why I've Been Away

**My husband took this photo.

A little over a month ago, I woke up in excruciating pain.  Pain so dramatic that I literally screamed.  Somehow in the middle of the night (or so I thought), I slept in such a way that absolutely tore my back up.

Every movement was accompanied by my own screams as my body protested.  I could not dress myself in anything but maxi skirts (thank God they are in style) because I could barely bend.  I could not wear shoes other than my Birkenstock sandals because I could not handle the pain of trying.  I could barely handle working in the office but being at home was pointless too as I only fitfully could rest.  

After a week of this, I finally saw a chiropractor.  After my x-rays and other testing, it turns out I have an old neck injury and some impingement in my hip.  Funny thing is, I don't recall doing anything that would cause a neck injury...well...other than falling down a flight of stairs OFTEN in my old home in Rhode Island.  

There is something about pain that you cannot control that really knocks the wind out of your sails.  I could not sit long enough to be online so I simply stayed away for the most part.  My on-air work was rough too as I tried desperately to not scream out at the sudden sharp pains while on air.   

The roughest yet the best part was going through the pain during the weekend of the Elevate Music Festival here in Arizona.  Three long days of amazing Christian music.  Three long days of wonderful testimonies.  In many ways, I felt God really renew me there.  I do plan on sharing that part at some time. 

The screaming pain is now behind me.  My wandering and scattered mind is still with me.  I think my thyroid might be a bit off.  I am very emotional now, but grateful.  Grateful that my physical pain is dull now.  I think it was all a part of a breakthrough.  Kind of the storm before the calm.  More than ever, I feel that God has some special plans, and I just need to buckle in and be ready.

I haven't had anyone clamoring at me asking where I have been, but I do miss writing.  I do miss visiting with others, and I do miss the goal of it all.  I am still on hold for many activities, but I am free to do this again, and I am more determined to get on it.

I have a new goal in mind.

I wont share that now.

But I will.

Checking in and very happy to do so.  

God bless you.

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